Mean Streets: A Journal of American Crime and Detective Fiction
Mean Streets is the first scholarly journal to specialize in a significant and expanding category of American literature: mystery and detective fiction.
This journal ceased publication with Volume 3 (2022). Volumes 1-3 remain available for purchase below.
Editor: Rebecca Martin & Walter Raubicheck
ISSN: 2691-6487
Previous Mean Streets Volumes
Methods: A Journal of Acting Pedagogy
Methods: A Journal of Acting Pedagogy, is a peer reviewed journal dedicated to the art and craft of acting and its philosophies, exercises, and history. Methods explores acting for stage, film, and television, their similarities and differences, deconstructing old techniques and constructing new ones. Methods includes interviews with important industry professionals, academic and professional news about the performing arts, book reviews, and historical documents. Methods will embody everything about the craft and entertainment of acting, from culture to spirituality to truth.
This journal ceased publication with Volume 6 (2021). Volumes 1-6 remain available for purchase below.
Editor: Ken Urso and Cosmin Chivu
ISSN: 2471-5905
Previous Methods Volumes
Lex Naturalis
This peer-reviewed journal intends to serve as a forum for the ongoing philosophical and legal discussion of the possibilities of thinking and action that are called for when one applies natural law theory, whether Platonic, Aristotelian, Ciceronian, Thomistic, or Kantian in its orientation, or is a product of more recent twentieth and twenty-first century contributions to the tradition. Theories of natural law have been under attack since the Enlightenment, but they still recur in old and new forms within both the academy and courts of law. The idea that human nature possesses an inherent sense of moral obligation no matter the culture, environment, or historical epoch is one that simply will not be eradicated by modern and postmodern assumptions about the varieties of nurturing and the physical basis of the mind.
In Lex Naturalis, these ethical questions that challenge our contemporary world as well as the relationships between natural law and related fields such as constitutional law and international law are examined, explored, and elucidated. The journal seeks to present the vitality and variety of thought within that community of intellectuals who cannot and will not separate ethics from the conclusions that have been and are still being drawn from natural law.
This journal ceased publication with Volume 6 (2021). Volumes 1-6 remain available for purchase below.
Editor: Walter Raubicheck
ISSN: 2474-8994
Previous Lex Volumes
Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology
Manuscripts incorporated research, theory, and applications within clinical, community, development, neurological, and school psychology perspectives. In addition to data based research, the journal accepted test and book reviews, position statements, literature reviews, program descriptions and evaluations, clinical studies, and other professional materials.
This journal ceased publication with Volume 8 (2012). Volumes 1-8 remain available for purchase below. JECIP has been replaced with Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education.
Editor: Vincent C. Alfonso
ISSN: 1554-6144
Previous JECIP Volumes
Vera Lex
Vera Lex was the journal of the International Natural Law Society, established to communicate and dialogue on the subject of natural law and natural right, to introduce natural law philosophy into the mainstream of contemporary thought and to strengthen the discussion of morals and law and advance its historical research.
This journal ceased publication with Volume 11 (2010). Volumes 1-11 remain available for purchase below. Vera Lex was replaced by Lex Naturalis in 2015.
ISSN: 0893-4851
Previous Vera Lex Volumes