Journal of the Early Book Society Volume 27

Including the articles “Unbe-leaf-able: Leaf Books from California to St. Andrews,” “Three Collaborative Scribes of Chaucer, Hoccleve, and Romance,” “Books from Toddington (Beds.),” and “The Stag Hunt and Fountain of Youth in the First Darmstadt Haggadah.”

The Journal of the Early Book Society for the Study of Manuscripts and Printing History (Journal of the Early Book Society (JEBS)) publishes several substantial articles in each volume with emphasis on the period of transition from manuscript to print. This annual’s main focus is on English and Continental works produced from 1350 to 1550.

Journal of Beat Studies Volume 12

This volume features the essay, “From 91 Revere Street to 9 Lupine Road: Robert Lowell, Jack Kerouac, and Confessional Poetry” and interviews remembering and celebrating the life of poet and activist Hettie Jones (1934–2024).



Transactions 24

The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Fellows of Dyson College kicked off with a morning plenary panel, showcasing the work of four students from programs as far afield as English Language and Literature, Biology, Philosophy, and Psychology. Together, all these works offer a glimpse of the exciting research and writing (and performing) that undergraduate students have engaged in across the fine arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences at Pace in the past year.

Journal of Comics and Culture Volume 8

The portrayal of women in comic books, as well as the roles of women in the comic book industry itself, has, since the medium’s beginning, been somewhat of a controversial issue. This issue examines the roles of women in comic book industries in other countries and how they differ from the comics industry in America. Stylistic innovations by women comic artists, thematic choices, and the creation of entirely new genres by women authors are also inspected. This 8th volume of the journal is dedicated to comics creator Ramona Fradon, who tragically passed away at 97, two months after retiring.

Woolf Studies Annual Volume 30

Pace University announces volume 30 of Woolf Studies Annual. In this volume, readers are consistently challenged to reconsider preconceived notions of Woolf’s life and work. Its topics include Jacob’s Room as an anti-war Modernist novel, the feminist reception of Woolf’s “madness” and suicide, and the ecological and pyrocenic insights of The Waves and The Years.

Copies available June 1st!

The Publishing Lab

Introducing: The Publishing Lab

This anthology was written and edited by Pace University MS in Publishing students. These pages are filled with extraordinary craft, containing stories of whimsy, history, loneliness, and hope. There are multiple genres ranging from poetry, prose, romance, fantasy, as well as writings in three languages.

Readers can expect to travel the world with daring characters who undergo impossible feats, defy their fears, and take on the most gruesome antagonists. There are many predicaments, but just as there are challenges, there are moments that feel untouchable, gentle, and pure in nature. These original stories are filled with heart and unfiltered joy.

This is the first volume of an anthology of student creative work that will be published yearly. The MS in Publishing program proudly shares this anthology as a representation of its student authors.

Perspectives on Early Childhood Phylosophy and Education 8.2

Including the articles “Using E ect Sizes, Condence Intervals, and the Bayes Factor to Better Understand the t-test, Analysis of Variance, and Regression Results” and “A Tutorial for Identifying and Comparing Changepoints in Developmental Trajectories.”

This issue details Methodological Innovations for Advancing Early Childhood Educational and Psychological Research and provides researchers and practitioners perspectives on research and data methodology. Our readers will enjoy articles focused on various statistical models.

Words We Use

PUPText’s first reference guide

This glossary provides an overview of the terms publishing professionals use in every department, from editorial to sales. In some cases, the language is similar in books and magazines, digital media, or comics, but may have a different meaning. This guide includes those differences. The words used in publishing and media are a distinct and essential part of our ability to communicate with each other. Language is not static and the language in publishing has grown, changed, and continues to evolve in our digital world. The industry has progressed digitally and some of the language that has developed along with that growth is included here. You will find words new and old, common usage, and more esoteric terms reflecting new digital realities.

Pace University Press

A small dynamic academic press with wide-ranging interests, Pace University Press currently publishes seven journals. From the prestigious Woolf Studies Annual to the more recent Journal of Comics and Culture, our publications make peer-reviewed research both available and accessible.


Pace University Press publishes books in four topical areas:

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Inquiries and Submissions

Pace University Press publishes scholarly journals in various fields (literature, psychology, performing arts, comics studies, and natural law) and welcomes inquiries about establishing new journals in these or any other fields in the humanities.