Image: Christiaan Tonnis

Woolf Studies Annual (WSA) Volume 30, 2024

Pace University announces volume 30 of Woolf Studies Annual. In this volume, readers are consistently challenged to reconsider preconceived notions of Woolf’s life and work. Its topics include Jacob’s Room as an anti-war Modernist novel, the feminist reception of Woolf’s “madness” and suicide, and the ecological and pyrocenic insights of The Waves and The Years.

Editor: Benjamin Hagen
ISBN: 978-1-935625-93-3
ISSN: 1080-9317
Price: $40
Paperback, 2024

Copies available June 1st!

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Woolf Studies Annual (WSA) Volume 29, 2023

Woolf Studies Annual is a refereed journal publishing substantial new scholarship on the work of this major writer and her milieu. Each volume includes several articles, reviews of new books, and an up-to-date guide to library special collections of interest to researchers. The Annual also occasionally features edited transcriptions of previously unpublished manuscripts.

Woolf Studies Annual is indexed in Humanities International Complete, ABELL, and the MLA Bibliography.

Editor: Benjamin Hagen
ISBN: 978-1-935625-80-3
ISSN: 1080-9317
Price: $40
Paperback, 2023

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Woolf Studies Annual (WSA) Volume 28, 2022

Woolf Studies Annual is a refereed journal publishing substantial new scholarship on the work of this major writer and her milieu. Each volume includes several articles, reviews of new books, and an up-to-date guide to library special collections of interest to researchers. The Annual also occasionally features edited transcriptions of previously unpublished manuscripts.

Woolf Studies Annual is indexed in Humanities International Complete, ABELL, and the MLA Bibliography.

Access is also available through JSTOR.

ISBN: 978-1-935625-70-4
ISSN: 1080-9317
Price: $40
Paperback, 2022

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Woolf Studies Annual (WSA) Volume 27, 2021

As one of the premier academic journals on the life, work, and times of Virginia Woolf, each volume of Woolf Studies Annual includes several articles, reviews of new books, and an up-to-date guide to library special collections of interest to researchers. Volume 27 (2021) features an analysis of visual aesthetics and the manuscript of To the Lighthouse, an exploration of the nature of Woolf’s intellectual engagement with Clara Pater, and a consideration of how Woolf employed Renaissance masques in Between the Acts.

Access is also available through JSTOR.

ISBN: 978-1-935625-61-2
ISSN: 1080-9317

Price: $40
Paperback, 2021

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Woolf Studies Annual (WSA) Volume 26, 2020

As one of the premier academic journals on the life, work, and times of Virginia Woolf, each volume of Woolf Studies Annual includes several articles, reviews of new books, and an up-to-date guide to library special collections of interest to researchers. Volume 26 features a transcription of the dinner party scene from the holograph ms. of the 1917 chapter of The Years.

ISBN: 978-1-935625-46-9
ISSN: 1080-9317
Price: $40
Paperback, 2020

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Woolf Studies Annual (WSA) Volume 25, 2019

Woolf Studies Annual is one of the premier academic journals on the life, work, and times of Virginia Woolf. WSA features articles, reviews of new books, and a guide to library special collections. Volume 25 will feature a transcription of Woolf ’s “Greek Notebook,” as well as article on transpersonal feminism.

ISBN: 978-1-935625-34-6
ISSN: 1080-9317
Price: $40
Paperback, 2018

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Woolf Studies Annual (WSA) Volume 24, 2018

Woolf Studies Annual is one of the premier academic journals on the life, work, and times of Virginia Woolf. Volume 24 features a special section of articles on the pioneering feminist scholar Professor Jane Marcus (1938-2015). This volume also contains reviews of new books and an up-to-date Guide to Library Special Collections relevant to the study of Woolf.

ISBN: 978-1-935625-25-4
ISSN: 1080-9317

Price: $40
Paperback, 2018

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Previous WSA Volumes

ISBN: 978-1-935625-90-2 Paperback, 2017 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 978-0-9619518-3-2 Paperback, 2016 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 978-1-935625-19-3 Paperback, 2015 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 978-1-935625-16-2 Paperback, 2014 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 978-1-935625-12-4 Paperback, 2013 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 978-1-935625-08-7 Paperback, 2012 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 978-1-935625-05-6 Paperback, 2011 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 978-0-944473-99-3 Paperback, 2011 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-93-8 Paperback, 2009 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-87-3 Paperback, 2008 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-80-6 Paperback, 2007 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-75-X Paperback, 2006 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-71-7 Paperback, 2005 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-67-9 Paperback, 2004 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-62-8 Paperback, 2003 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-59-8 Paperback, 2002 Price: $40.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-54-7 Paperback, 2001 Price: $30.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-50-4 Paperback, 2000 Price: $30.00

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ISBN: 0-944473-48-2 Paperback, 1999 Price: $25.00

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