Just Published:
Woolf Studies Annual
Volume 27, Spring  2021

NEW YORK, NY – Pace University Press is excited to announce the release of Woolf Studies Annual, Volume 27.

This peer-reviewed journal is edited by Mark Hussey before his retirement. “The journal has published cutting edge and eclectic scholarship on Virginia Woolf and her circles since 1995,” said upcoming editor Benjamin Hagen. “We will continue to publish the best research on Woolf in the form of peer-reviewed articles, transcribed archival materials, book reviews, and notes/queries.”

Articles and reviews included in this volume:

Yope Prins’ Ladies’ Greek: Victorian Translations of Tragedy reviewed by Holly Ranger explores the Hellenistic link between Victorian women and tragedy through iconic characters such as Electra.

“Drafting Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe: Visual Aesthetics and the Manuscript of Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse” by Amber Jenkins, an in-depth exploration of the immersive scenery used in Woolf’s modern novel.

For a complete Table of Contents or to place an order, visit press.pace.edu.


A small dynamic academic press with wide-ranging interests, Pace University Press currently publishes seven journals. From the prestigious Woolf Studies Annual to the more recent The Journal of Comics and Culture, their publications make peer-reviewed research both available and accessible.