Just Published
Lex Naturalis – A Journal of Natural Law
Volume 6, Fall 2021

NEW YORK, NY – Pace University Press is pleased to announce the release of its annual journal Lex Naturalis – A Journal of Natural Law.

This volume explores the tenuous connection between contemporary moral problems and what rights the Founders considered sacred. “The debate on natural law continues to our present moment, one characterized by a lack of consensus about the meaning and value of the American democratic experiment,” said editor Walter Raubicheck.

Some articles included in this volume:

“John Locke: The Law of Nature and Nature’s God,” by Christopher M. Cullen

“Deliberation and Society: Political Participation in Jacques Maritain and Alasdair MacIntyre, ” by John Macias

For a complete Table of Contents or to place an order, visit press.pace.edu.


A small dynamic academic press with wide-ranging interests, Pace University Press currently publishes seven journals. From the prestigious Woolf Studies Annual to the more recent The Journal of Comics and Culture, their publications make peer-reviewed research both available and accessible.